Associate Professional Counselors seeking supervision for licensure can obtain the supervision services they need with a few exceptions.  As a Certified Professional Clinical Supervisor, Kendra utilizes an Integrated Supervision Style, and follows the Discrimination Model of Supervision.  In supervising both interns and associate level counselors, she focuses on strengths and areas of clinical interest as foundation to the growth process.  Gaining confidence as a therapist starts with enjoying your work, but then as challenging cases present themselves, supporting you through uncharted territory will strengthen your confidence to meet the clinical needs you will likely face throughout your career.  While rapport coupled with methodology is key, dedication to providing good work is foundational to both.

Kendra’s areas of clinical competence covers diagnosable conditions such Generalized Anxiety Disorder, ADHD, Social Anxiety, Phobias, OCD, Panic Disorder, Clinical Depression, Bipolar Disorder, PTSD, and Personality Disorders.  She has extensive training in treating trauma, relationship struggles and anxiety realted disorders.  She has served adults and adolescents throughout her career, and children and couples intermittently.  While she has experience in working with addiction, domestic violence and severe mental illness, these are not areas of expertise.  Trainings Kendra has completed in the last five years: DBT, EMDR, Intro to IFS, Progressive Counting, Somatic Processing, and Mindful Based CBT.

For more information call: (678) 371-7357 or
